alexandria jean fitness

get ready to take control of your fitness

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Hi, I’m Alexandria (Alex)

Life is full of stressors & your fitness routine shouldn’t be one of them.

After growing up with 10 years of gymnastics, I became obsessed with building strength & the empowerment that comes with it.

After going through spurts of over training and injury, I became obsessed with mobility & the pain free movement that comes with it.

Today, as a coach, I utilize both of these facets of training with my clients.

My goal is to help you build functional strength & mobility inside the gym so that you’re able to move better outside the gym.

join my app - aFlex by ajf


ways to work(out)
with me


Train with me

Single & packaged personal training sessions available.

We tailor the workouts to your goals & individualize programming to help you get the most out of your workouts.

aFlex - My Fitness App

One of the more stressful parts of working out is figuring out what to do.

aFlex by AJF will take care of that for you.

living a *fit* life isn’t just about fitness


my clients are the reason i love what i do